
The Big Steam Spectacle in Coblence takes place for the second time on the Easter weekend 2004.
There is hardly a place in Europe where the three major aspects of steam -
Rail, Water and Road - could be shown in such close vivinity than on the German Corner in this beautiful town at the confluence of the rivers Rhine and Moselle.
Many steaming and hissing exponats in all different sizes - from 1:1 to the model size 1:32 - will enable young and old to smell, hear and feel the fascination of steam.
But be careful, folks - it could get very hot !!!
In three different locations along the rivers Rhine and Moselle, as well as within the terrain of the DB - Rail and Transport museum at Coblence-Lützel we will steam-up for you the various machinery under the headings of: "work", "travel" and "leisure".
All these locations will be well connected with each other by means of the "Steam Round Trip", the "Steam Train", the "Steam Ship"
But by all the pleasure it gives us today let us not forget the hard work involved of running these machines during their haydays - and of course the strain they have put on our environment by burning fossil fuels.

Schienendampf Straßendampf Wasserdampf Modelldampf Dampfrundreise

